Worksheets for Science

 Topic -  Structure of the teeth

In these Worksheets for Science you will find Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the Blanks, True or False type questions that will help you to gain more marks by practising the topic named structure of the teeth perfectly. 

Worksheets for Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1.Diphyodont teeth occur in ___________ sets in humans. 

(a) four  (b) two  (c) three

2.Temporary teeth start generally appears at the age of ___________ months after the birth of the baby. 

(a) 1-2  (b) 3-4   (c) 6-7

3.Temporary teeth are generally ____________ in number. 

(a) 30  (b) 20  (c) 32

4.Incisors are located at the ____________ side of the mouth. 

(a) anterior  (b) posterior  (c) lateral

5.______________ are located just behind the incisors. 

(a) canines  (b) molars  (c) pre-molars

6.Adults have _________ incisors. 

(a) two  (b) six  (c) four

7.Molars are present at the ____________ side of the jaw. 

(a) front  (b) back  (c) lateral

8.Permanent teeth are ___________ in number. 

(a) 32  (b) 30  (c) 28

9.Upper molars have ____________ roots.

(a) two  (b) four  (c) three

10.Crown is the _______________ part of the tooth. 

(a) internal  (b) back  (c) external

Answers - 1.two  2.6-7  3.20  4.anterior  5.Canines  6.four  7.back  8.32  9.three 10.external

Fill in the blanks

1.Thecodont teeth are embedded in the ___________ bones of humans. 

2.Two types of diphyodont teeth are __________ teeth and __________teeth.

3.Incisors are used generally for ___________ the food. 

4.Canines are used for ____________ the food. 

5.____________ are present behind the canines. 

6.Babies lack __________.

7.Neck of a tooth lies in the _____________.

8.Crown of a tooth is covered by ___________.

9.____________ is the hardest substance in the human body.

10.Pulp cavity is lined with ______________.

Answers - 1.jaw  2.temporary, permanent  3.cutting  4.tearing  5.pre-molars  6.pre-molars  7.gum  8.enamel.  9.enamel  10.odentoblasts

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement.


1.Temporary teeth are also known as milk teeth. 

2.Permanent teeth replaces temporary teeth at the age of 3 years. 

3.The shape of all the teeth in humans is same. 

4.The no. of canines in adults is four. 

5.Pre-molars are generally used to grind the food. 

6.Upper pre-molars have two roots. 

7.Blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerve fibres are present inside the pulp of the tooth. 

8.You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. 

9.Green tea is not good for your teeth. 

10.Plaque can be controlled better by using a mouthwash. 

Answers - 1.True  2.False  3.False  4.False  5.True  6.True  7.True  8.True  9.False  10.True

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